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To enquire about a Property Assessment Report or to get an obligation-free quote click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the report request button and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. |
With an Archicentre Australia Property Assessment Report you’ll know immediately about the condition of the buildings and property and if we found any significant building defects that may impact on your proposed purchase or renovation. Our expert Architect will complete a 200 plus-point Assessment of the entire property and will provide you with a detailed written report. Bundle & Save! Bundle your Property Assessment with a Timber Pest Inspection and save money. THE PROPERTY ASSESSMENT REPORT IDENTIFIES:
Scope of ServicesThis Report is prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – and in accordance with Australian Standard 4349.1-2007 Assessment of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections – Residential Buildings and any other Australian Standards and definitions cited in the Terms and Conditions. This Report is a subjective assessment prepared by the assessing architect on a visual assessment of the condition of the reasonably accessible parts of the property and on the basis of the prevailing structural, soil and weather conditions at the time of the assessment and does not cover enquiries of councils or other authorities. It is not a certificate of compliance for the property within the requirements of any Act, regulation, ordinance or local by-law. Prolonged periods of wet or dry weather may cause structural changes to the property as described in Archicentre Australia’s Property Maintenance Guide which you can download from the link found in the body of your Report and in the Report cover letter. This Report will not disclose defects in inaccessible areas, defects that are concealed and/or not reasonably visible, defects that may be apparent in other weather conditions or defects that have not yet arisen. This Report is not a rigorous assessment of all building elements and does not cover all maintenance items, particularly those such as jamming doors, windows or catches, decorative finishes and hairline or slight cracks. This is in accordance with Category 0 and 1 of Appendix C -AS 2870-2011. The Report is not a pest assessment. Archicentre Australia recommends that a timber pest assessment be carried out on all properties being considered for purchase. Clients wishing to have a full timber pest assessment should contact Archicentre Australia to arrange a separate pest assessment. Archicentre Australia Timber Pest Inspections are undertaken by highly qualified, independent and authorised inspectors. Archicentre Australia does not sell pest control services so you can trust that you will not be recommended treatments that you do not need. The assessment assumes that the existing use of the property will continue and the Report is prepared on that basis. As such, the assessment will not assess the fitness of the property for any other intended purpose. We advise you to verify any proposed change in use with the relevant authorities. If you are intending to purchase the property, and in consideration of the limitations of a visual assessment, as well as budgeting for the anticipated cost of the recommended repairs and maintenance, Archicentre Australia recommends budgeting a further 5% of the value of the property, to provide a “safety net” against unexpected costs that may arise over the first five years of ownership and that this be taken into account when establishing a purchase price. The amount of this safety net is a rough guide for properties generally and not specific to your property. Where the property is a unit or apartment, associated areas may include common areas pertinent and immediately adjacent to the subject residence, or as specifically instructed by the customer. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR REPORT
DefinitionsGENERAL ADVICEMinor Defect/Maintenance item Any items of repair which are common to properties of similar age or type of construction and as described in the Property Maintenance Guide, including decorative features and finishes. Major Defect A defect of sufficient magnitude where rectification has to be carried out without undue delay to avoid:
Serious Structural Defect A major defect in any internal or external primary load bearing component of the building which seriously affects the structural integrity of the building requiring rectification to be carried out without undue delay to avoid:
In the case of cracking, a serious structural defect denotes severe cracking as defined by Category 4, Appendix C – Australian Standard AS 2870-2011.
For Strata, Stratum anti Company Title Properties The Assessment is limited to the nominated individual property including associated private open space. It is not the scope of this Assessment to include common or other adjacent property. Legal advice should be obtained as to the liability to contribute to the cost of repairs in respect of any common property. Assessment Access The architect can only assess reasonably accessible parts of the property. It is your responsibility to ensure that any inaccessible parts of the property that can be made reasonably accessible for an assessment are made so, prior to the assessment. If parts of the property have been noted as being inaccessible during the assessment, it is important that you contact Archicentre Australia and arrange for a second assessment when access is available. Reasonably and Safely Accessible – Accessible areas which can be accessed by a 3.6 metre ladder or those which have at least 600mm unimpeded vertical and horizontal clearance without the removal of any fixed or unfixed furniture, fittings, stored items, cladding or lining materials, plants or soil. Architect assessors are unable to access areas where there is a risk of adverse disturbance or damage to the property. This includes the garden area. The architect will determine the extent of accessible areas at the time of the assessment. Workplace Health and Safety access conditions apply subject to relevant State and Territory regulations. Architects are unable to assess areas higher than 3 metres above ground level unless secure ladder access is available and fall prevention devices or barriers are present. Reasonable Access may not be possible due to physical obstructions or conditions that may be hazardous or unsafe to the architect. Access restrictions will be noted where appropriate. Terms & ConditionsThe Report has been prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – and the named architect and is supplied to you (the named Client) on the basis of and subject to the Scope of Service and the Terms and Conditions of the Contract and the Assessment and Archicentre Australia accepts no responsibility to other persons relying on the report. The Report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Standard 4349.1-2007 Assessment of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections – Residential Buildings and to any other Australian Standards and definitions cited in the Terms and Conditions. Please note that having provided to you an opportunity to read the Scope and the Terms and Conditions following upon you making a booking for the Property Assessment, the architect has proceeded to conduct the assessment of the property and Archicentre Australia has proceeded to supply this Report on the basis that you have accepted the Scope and the Terms and Conditions and/or are deemed to have done so upon the architect arriving at the property. The Report is to be read in conjunction with all other Archicentre Australia Reports issued concurrently for the property.
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To enquire about a Timber Inspection Report or to get an obligation-free quote click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the report request button and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. |
With an Archicentre Australia Timber Pest Inspection Report you’ll know immediately about the condition of the buildings and property and if there are any serious building faults that may impact on your proposed purchase or renovation. Our Accredited Timber Pest Inspectors are completely independent and highly qualified. Archicentre Australia is primarily interested in advising you responsibly and objectively about the presence of termites, borers and other timber pests or problem areas on a property. We will not be trying to sell you products or services that you do not need – simply advise on appropriate treatments that safeguard your investment while remaining safe for humans. Bundle & Save! Bundle your Timber Pest Inspection with a Property Assessment and save money – some States excepted. THE TIMBER PEST INSPECTION IDENTIFIES:This inspection is a visual assessment of evidence indicating activity, damage and/or workings of the following timber destroying organisms:
Scope of ServicesThis Report is prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – in accordance with Australian Standard AS 4349.3 – 2010 Inspection of buildings, Part 3: Timber pest inspections and any other Australian Standards and definitions cited in the Terms and Conditions. The Report is subject to the scope, limitations, exclusions, definitions and terms and conditions as indicated and defined within this Report. You should carefully read and make sure you understand all information in this document, including the Terms and Conditions. It will help you understand what is involved in a timber pest inspection, the difficulties faced by a timber pest inspector and why it is not possible to guarantee that a property is completely free of timber pests. It also details important information about what you can do to help protect your property from timber pests. This Report is based on a visual inspection of the condition of the reasonably accessible parts of the property of the property and on the basis of the prevailing structural, soil and weather conditions at the time of the inspection. Prolonged periods of exposure to conditions conducive to pest attack or infestation will increase the risk of such an attack and the damage which may eventuate. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR REPORTUnless otherwise specified this inspection is a visual assessment of evidence indicating activity, damage and/or workings of the following timber destroying organisms (Please refer to the Termites and Borers Technical information sheet):
That group of wood destroying insects of the Order Isoptera which are commonly described as ‘Subterranean’.
That group of wood destroying insects of the Order Isoptera which are commonly described as ‘Darnpwood’.
Fungal organisms that commonly cause the deterioration or decay of timber in service.
That group of wood destroying insects of the Order Coleoptera that are known to cause timber damage. WHAT IS NOT RECORDED IN YOUR REPORTDetection or non-detection of timber pests or household pests other than subterranean and dampwood termites, wood decay fungus and borer beetles that attack timber in service. Detection or non-detection of timber pest attack or activity in inaccessible areas, including but not exclusively, within wall and structural cavities and underground, within building plant and equipment and storage vessels, where it is not reasonably visible, where it may be apparent in other weather conditions or where it has not yet arisen, or to furniture, furnishings, stored items, or concealed timbers. Detection or non detection of Drywood termites. Drywood Termites are extremely difficult to detect visually and rarely found in Australia and no warranty of their absence is given, however any visual evidence located during this inspection will be reported. Environmental or biological risk assessment not associated with timber pests, or with occupational health or safety issues. Pest preventative or treatment measures, or costs for control, rectification or prevention of attack by noted timber pests. Structural assessment of damage to timber members or other structure members. Identification or assessment of building or property defects. Inspection, identification or assessment of conditions outside the subject property. Enquiries of councils or other authorities, consultants or sub-contractors. DefinitionsNo Visible EvidenceThere was no visible indication of the presence or activity of timber pests at the time of the inspection. Visible Evidence Timber pest damage or signs of timber pest activity was detected. Visible Active Evidence Active timber pests were identified at the time of inspection. Visible Moderate Damage Present Moderate physical damage due to the action of timber pests was identified at the time of inspection. Visible Extensive Damage Present It appears that extensive timber damage and/or possibly serious structural damage may be present requiring repair or replacement as a matter of urgency. Where any damage is present it is strongly recommended that you have it fully assessed by a qualified structural engineer. Moderate Risk In any area where timber pest activity has been detected, environmentally conducive conditions or access limitations identified, there is an ongoing risk of infestation or damage unless an integrated pest management program has been implemented. High Risk Local environmental, building structure or site conditions indicate that there is a high probability of infestation or destructive timber pest activity. Extreme Risk Conditions provide an ideal environment for heavy infestation and serious structural damage as a result of timber pest activity. Only accessible areas will be inspected. The Australian Standard AS 4349.3-2010 defines an accessible area as “area of the site where sufficient safe and reasonable access is available to allow inspection within the scope of the inspection”. Where safe, unobstructed access is provided and the minimum clearances specified (in AS 4349.3 Table 3.1) are available or, where these clearances are not available, areas within the consultant’s unobstructed line of sight and within arm’s length, will be inspected. Reasonably and Safely Accessible areas are those areas which can be accessed by a 3.6 metre ladder or those which have an access hole at least 400mm x 500mm and at least 600mm safe and unimpeded vertical and horizontal crawl space clearance. Reasonable access does not include cutting or making access traps, removing screws and bolts or any other fastenings, removal of sealants to access covers. Reasonable access does not include the use of destructive or intrusive inspection methods. Nor does reasonable access include, moving heavy furniture or stored goods, or the removal of cladding or lining materials, plants or soil. Archicentre Australia authorised inspectors are unable to inspect areas higher than 3 metres above ground level unless secure ladder access is available and fall prevention devices or barriers are present. Workplace Health and Safety access conditions apply subject to relevant State and Territory regulations. The inspector will determine the extent of accessible areas at the time of the inspection. The inspector can only inspect the reasonably accessible parts of the property. It is your responsibility to ensure that the inaccessible parts of the property that can be made reasonably accessible for an inspection are made so, prior to the inspection. If parts of the property have been noted as being inaccessible during the inspection, it is important that you contact Archicentre Australia and arrange for a second inspection when access to restricted areas has been made available. Where access is significantly restricted or existing environmental conditions are noted as being of high or extreme risk of timber pest infestation, the inspector may recommend an intrusive timber pest inspection. An intrusive inspection may involve the removal or lifting of furniture, furnishings, linings, claddings, stored goods etc. and/or the cutting of access holes or traps. As physical disruption or damage may occur, it is your responsibility to provide the property owner’s written permission confirming that Archicentre Australia will not be held liable for any damage caused to the property during the intrusive inspection, or the rectification of such damage, prior to the booking of the intrusive inspection service. A price for an intrusive inspection is available on request. IMPORTANT NOTESThe Summary section is not the complete Report. The complete Archicentre Australia Timber Pest Inspection Report also includes information contained in the referred Technical information sheets. Restrictions to access may reduce the effectiveness of the inspection and mean that pest activity and damage is not visually detectable. In cases where historic damage from subterranean termites is found it is possible that termites are still active in the locality and may return to the property. This may lead to significant further damage, and is impossible to predict. An integrated pest management program, including regular inspections, is highly recommended. Subterranean termite attack can occur within 24 hours of an inspection. Where visible damage from Wood Decay Fungi is detected a brief description of observable damage and general location has been provided. It should be noted that an amount of damage may be present but cannot be seen without intrusive inspection techniques. This is not a structural report. In the event that damage is detected we recommend a detailed intrusive inspection by a structural engineer. Refer to the Technical information sheets on Termites and Borers, Property Maintenance and Health and Safety for detailed information on how to reduce favourable environmental conditions for timber pest activity. Archicentre Australia recommends an ongoing pest management plan to protect your property, including annual inspections. For more detailed information on termites refer to the Technical Information sheets that form an integral part of this Report. GENERAL ADVICEAny report finding no visual evidence of timber pests or pest activity is not an indication of future risk and does not protect the building from future attack by timber destroying agents. The status and condition of a building may change at any time due to the habits of termites and other timber pests. For Strata, Stratum and Company Title Properties The inspection is limited to the individual unit and immediate surroundings. It is not the scope of this Inspection to include common or other adjacent property. Legal advice should be obtained as to the liability to contribute to the cost of treatment or repairs of timber pest activity or damage in the common property, or to your property from the inaction of attention to the management of timber pest activity on common property. Terms & ConditionsThis Report has been prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – and the named inspector and is supplied to you (the named client) on the basis of and subject to the Scope of Service and Terms and Conditions of the Contract and the Inspection and Archicentre Australia accepts no responsibility to other persons relying on the report. The Report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Standard AS 4349.3 – 2010 Inspection of buildings Part 3: Timber pest inspections and to any other Australian Standards cited in the Terms and Conditions. The inspection is visual and non invasive. Please note that having provided you with an opportunity to read the Scope of Service and the Terms and Conditions upon you making a booking for the Timber Pest Inspection, the inspector has proceeded to conduct the inspection of the property and Archicentre Australia has proceeded to supply this Report on the basis that you have accepted the Scope of Service and the Terms and Conditions and/or are deemed to have done so upon the inspector arriving at the property. The Report is to be read in conjunction with all other Archicentre Australia Reports issued concurrently for the property. The Scope and the Terms and Conditions take precedence over any oral or written representations by Archicentre Australia to the extent of any inconsistencies.
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To enquire about a Residential Architect's Advice or to get an obligation-free quote click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the report request button and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. |
Your home is one of the largest and most important assets you have. If you have concerns about your home, it makes sense to get advice from an independent professional – an Archicentre Australia Architect – who can help you to work out your best course of action and give you the confidence to move forward. Architects are amongst the most highly qualified professionals in the building industry and can provide expert advice about all aspects of building construction and maintenance. Our Architect’s Advice Report will include a site meeting with your architect to discuss concerns, an investigation of the issue and the preparation of a written report outlining their recommendations, all for a fixed fee. Here are just some of the areas in which our architects can help: CONSTRUCTIONDEFECTIVE AND INCOMPLETE WORKS ADVICE
OUR ARCHITECT'S ADVICE report includes:
Scope of ServicesWHAT IS INCLUDED IN THIS REPORTThis Report has been prepared, in good faith, on a visual review of the documentation and instructions, whether in writing or verbal, provided by you, the property owner or client. The Report is limited a visual investigation of the item, area or matter of your concern. Where this relates to a defect or problem with a building or property element the architect will, where appropriate:
Where the matter relates to design, the architect will, where appropriate:
WHAT IS NOT RECORDED IN THIS REPORTThe Report will not contain advice on any matters beyond the scope of the advice sought.
REPORT STANDARDThe Report has been prepared by your Architect in accordance with Australian Standard AS4349.0-2007 inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and to any other Australian Standards cited in these Terms and Conditions. The architect can only assess reasonably and safely accessible parts of the property. It is your responsibility to ensure that any inaccessible parts of the property that can be made reasonably accessible for an assessment, where appropriate for the scope of advice sought, are made so, prior to the inspection. Areas which are not reasonably and safely accessible cannot be assessed. Terms & ConditionsThe Report has been prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – and the named architect and is supplied to you (the named client) on the basis of and subject to the Scope and these Terms and Conditions. Archicentre Australia accepts no responsibility to other persons relying on the Report. The Report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Standard 4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and to any other Australian Standards and definitions cited in the Terms and Conditions. The Report should be read in conjunction with any other Archicentre Australia Reports issued concurrently for the Property. The Scope and Terms and Conditions take precedence over any verbal or written representations by or on behalf of Archicentre Australia.
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To enquire about a Residential Maintenance Advice Report or to get an obligation-free quote click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the Book Online button below and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. |
Building maintenance issues can seem insurmountable with calls flooding in week after week. Where do you start? What will it cost? Who do you talk to? And how do you know they aren’t recommending solutions that either won’t work or are designed to give them more work without fixing your problem? Now there’s an answer to all those questions and a simple, cost effective way to avoid potential disasters – an Archicentre Australia Maintenance Advice Report. Archicentre Australia’s architects will provide you with a comprehensive maintenance assessment report for a fixed fee. We’ll assess your building for defects and faults and provide you with a schedule of necessary repairs and maintenance. In addition, Archicentre Australia architects practices can follow up to provide a range of architectural services focussed on maintenance issues and potentially new building works – and can assist in carrying out the necessary repairs which are as follows:
Scope of ServiceThe Report has been prepared by your Architect in accordance with Australian Standard AS4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and to any other Australian Standards cited in these Terms and Conditions. The architect can only assess reasonably and safely accessible parts of the property. It is your responsibility to ensure that any inaccessible parts of the property that can be made reasonably accessible for an assessment, where appropriate for the scope of advice sought, are made so, prior to the assessment. Areas which are not reasonably and safely accessible cannot be assessed. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THIS REPORTYour Report has been prepared, in good faith, on a visual review of the documentation and instructions, whether in writing or verbal, provided by you, the property owner. The Report is limited to a visual investigation of the item, area or matter of your concern. Where this relates to a defect or problem with a building or property element the architect will, appropriate:
Where the matter relates to design, the architect will, where appropriate:
WHAT IS NOT RECORDED IN THIS REPORTThe Report will not contain advice on any matters beyond scope of the advice sought. The Report is based on the condition of the property and the prevailing structural, soil and weather conditions at the time of the inspection. Prolonged periods of wet or dry weather will cause structural changes to the property as described in the Archicentre Australia Property Maintenance Guide. Unless specifically and explicitly agreed in writing with the owner prior to the assessment the Report is based on a visual assessment of reasonably accessible parts of the property and does not cover enquiries of councils or other authorities. The Report will not disclose defects in inaccessible areas, defects that are not reasonably visible, defects which may be apparent in other weather conditions or defects which have not yet arisen. This Report does not include a pest inspection. Clients wishing to have a full pest infestation check should advise Archicentre Australia who will arrange for a separate Timber Pest Inspection. The Report does not cover all maintenance items, particularly those such as jamming doors, windows or catches, decorative finishes and hairline or slight cracks (Category 0 and 1 of Appendix C – Australian Standard AS 2870-2011). Unless specifically and explicitly agreed in writing with the owner prior to the assessment, the Report does not cover the identification in the Property of:
The Report assumes that the existing use of the Property will continue, and unless the advice is sought in respect of a change of use, the Report will not assess the fitness of the Property for any intended purpose. Any proposed change in use of the Property should be verified with the relevant authorities. The Report is not a certificate of compliance for the Property within the requirements of any Act, regulation, ordinance or local by-law. Terms & ConditionsThe Report has been prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – and the named architect and is supplied to you (the named client) on the basis of and subject to the Scope of Service and these Terms and Conditions. Archicentre Australia accepts no responsibility to other persons relying on the Report. The Report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Standard 4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and to any other Australian Standards and definitions cited in the Terms and Conditions. The Report should be read in conjunction with any other Archicentre Australia Reports issued concurrently for the Property. The Scope and Terms and Conditions take precedence over any verbal or written representations by or on behalf of Archicentre Australia.
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To enquire about a Construction Quality Assurance Assessment or to get an obligation-free quote click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the report request button and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. |
Our Construction Quality Assurance Assessment Report is a visual assessment of the quality and workmanship of the property’s construction against acceptable industry standards. Using the builder’s construction contract?…. How can you be sure of the standard of quality and workmanship? Don’t just rely on your builder’s say so. Building a home is a complex thing regardless of the promises of “design & construct” making it simple. So when you engage a builder you need to be absolutely sure that your interests are protected. How many stories have you heard where this has not occurred? Check each stage of your building project with an independently assessed Construction Quality Assurance Assessment – as a guide for you and the builder – before you payment is sought by your builder……. for peace of mind! Our Construction Quality Assurance Assessment Report will check if your building works comply with applicable quality standards. It provides you with a written summary and is available for each stage of the building process. A CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT IDENTIFIES:
Avoid costly building disputes, potential mediation and financial distress by having a recognised independent expert assess the progress and quality of your building project – to assist you both – before payment is sought by your builder. It does not matter whether your project is big or small; if you enter into a builder based contract you need to protect your interests with independent expert advice. If this expert is missing from your project Archicentre Australia Architects can assist. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. We can assess the works at any, or all, of the following typical eight stages of a complete building project: STAGE 1 – Contract ReviewWhere common contract terms and client/builder obligations are explained. STAGE 2 – BaseAfter concrete footings are poured, or after stumps, piers, columns, or the concrete floor has been completed. STAGE 3 – FrameWhen wall and roof frames have been completed. STAGE 4 – Lock upWhen external walls are complete, windows, doors and roof coverings are fixed and the flooring has been laid and the building is secure. STAGE 5 – Services (pre-lining)When preliminary plumbing and electrical works have been completed, and wall insulation is in place. STAGE 6 – Fix/Fit-out (pre-paint)When all interior work is complete and the property is ready for painting. STAGE 7 – Pre-HandoverWhen the property is presented for handover. STAGE 8 – Maintenance Period ExpiryJust before the Maintenance or Defects Liability period expires (typically 3-6 months after completion). |
Scope of ServicesYour Report is prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – in accordance with Australian Standard 4349.0-2007-Assessment of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and any other Australian Standards, definitions and reference documents cited. Your Report is prepared based upon a visual assessment of the condition of reasonably accessible parts of the property and on the basis of the prevailing structural, soil and weather conditions at the time of the assessment. It does not cover enquiries of councils or other authorities, nor is it a certificate of compliance for the property within the requirements of any Act, regulation, ordinance or local by-law. Your Report will not disclose defects in inaccessible areas, defects that are concealed and/or not reasonably visible, defects that may be apparent in other weather conditions or defects that have not yet arisen. Changes in usage can cause defects and any abuse of the premises is likely to do so. Your Report does not cover all maintenance items, particularly those such as jamming doors, windows or catches, decorative finishes and hairline or slight cracks. This is in accordance with Category 0 and 1 of Appendix C – Australian Standard AS 2870-2011. Your Report is not a pest inspection. If clients wish to have a pest inspection, please contact Archicentre Australia to arrange. Your Report is not intended to instruct a contractor or to be used in the administration of a construction contract. Unless stated otherwise, this Report does not cover enquiries of councils or other competent authorities or reference to contract documentation and will note incomplete and /or defective work in reference to the Guide to Standards and Tolerances produced by the Victorian Building Authority, or similar in each State or Territory. For Strata, Stratum and Company Title PropertiesThe assessment is limited to the nominated individual property including associated private open space. It is not the scope of this assessment to include common or other adjacent property. Legal advice should be obtained as to the liability to contribute to the cost of repairs in respect of any common property. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR REPORTUpon a visual assessment of the reasonably accessible parts of the property identification of:
VISUAL ASSESSMENT LIMITATIONSYour architect can only conduct a visual assessment of reasonably accessible parts of the property, of areas that are within the architect’s line of sight and close enough to enable reasonable appraisal. Reasonable accessible parts of the property are those which can be safely accessed by a 3.6 metre ladder or those which have at least 600mm unimpeded vertical and horizontal clearance without the removal of any furniture, fittings – be they fixed or otherwise – cladding, or lining materials, plants or soil. Workplace Health and Safety access conditions apply subject to relevant State and Territory regulations. Areas in excess of 3.0 m above ground level can only be visually assessed from ground level or a safely erected 3.6m extension ladder. Upper floor areas in excess of 2.7m above ground floor level cannot be accessed for Assessment by our Architect unless safe access is provided. Workplace Health and Safety access conditions apply subject to relevant State and Territory regulations. The architect will determine the extent of visible and accessible areas at the time of the Assessment. Reasonable Access may not be possible due to physical obstructions or conditions that may be hazardous or unsafe to the architect. Access restrictions will be noted where appropriate. ATTACHMENTSThe following selected attachments are an important part of this Construction Quality Assurance Assessment Report. These can be downloaded from the Archicentre Australia Supplementary Documents page or by referring to the Report cover letter for downloading instructions. Health & Safety WarningIf you have difficulty downloading the following ticked attachments, please contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13 immediately. Terms & ConditionsThis Report is prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – and the named architect and is supplied to you (the named client) on the basis of and subject to the Scope of assessment and the Terms and Conditions of assessment and Archicentre Australia accepts no responsibility to other persons. The Report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Standard 4349.0-2007 Inspections of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and to any other Australian Standards, definitions and reference documents cited in the Scope and Terms and Conditions. Report is to be read in conjunction with all other Archicentre Australia Reports prepared for you and issued concurrently for the property. The Scope of Assessment and the Terms and Conditions take precedence over any oral or written representations by Archicentre Australia, to the extent of any inconsistency. The Report has been prepared by the architect (named within), with reasonable care, subject to the following:
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To enquire about a Residential Dilapidation Survey Report or to get an obligation-free quote click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the report request button and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. |
If nearby construction works cause damage to your home or property, would you be able to prove it in court?…….or if you develop a site and neighbours could be affected, who do you turn to? Building work such as new home construction and renovations (particularly along boundaries), road works, infrastructure projects or demolitions can easily cause building defects in nearby properties if the proper precautions aren’t taken. Cracked brickwork or paving, broken fences, water ingress or damage to landscaping can all result in costly repairs, but how can you prove that the neighbouring building work has done the damage? Protect yourself from damage repair costs with a Dilapidation Survey. Our Dilapidation Survey Report is a special purpose property inspection report undertaken to provide a visual assessment of the structural and cosmetic fabric defects, which are or may be related to movement of the structure or fabric, of the subject property evident on the day of the inspection prior to the commencement of neighbouring construction works. Our expert architect will assess the condition of your property before works commence and compile a photographic record of any pre-existing defects. If you notice damage to your property after the work starts, your Dilapidation Survey can help you get the damage rectified or support a claim for costs to repair if need be. A detailed report by an independent architect can help your avoid lengthy arguments and expensive repairs coming out of your pocket. DILAPIDATION SURVEY BENEFITS
Scope of ServicesThe Dilapidation Survey Report is a special purpose property assessment report undertaken to provide a visual assessment of constructional and cosmetic fabric defects, which are or may be related to movement of the structure or fabric of the subject property evident on the day of the inspection prior to the commencement of neighbouring construction works. Each report will provide a photographic record of evident constructional or related defects. DefinitionsASSESSMENT ACCESSThe architect can only assess reasonably accessible parts of the property without the use of a ladder or the removal of any furniture, fittings – be they fixed or otherwise – cladding, or lining materials, plants or soil. The extent of accessible areas will be determined by the architect at the time of the assessment. Workplace Health and Safety access conditions apply subject to relevant State and Territory regulations. Areas in excess of 3.0 m above ground level can only be visually assessed from ground level, through windows from within the building, or from a balcony or an accessible roof where safe balustrading or fall prevention barriers are permanently installed. High level access equipment may provide access where this has been explicitly requested and agreed in writing prior to the inspection. The assessment does not include an inspection of sub-floor or ceiling voids. Reasonable Access may not be possible due to physical obstructions or conditions that may be hazardous or unsafe to the architect. Access restrictions will be noted where appropriate. CRACKING IN BRICKWORKIn accordance with AS2870 – Residential slabs and footings – Construction, Appendix C1: Classification of damage with reference to walls, evident cracking will be classified within the following categories.
AttachmentsSelected attachments are an important part of each Report. These include:
Terms & ConditionsThe Report will be prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – and the named architect and will be supplied to you (the named client) on the basis of and subject to the Scope and these Terms and Conditions. Archicentre accepts no responsibility to other persons relying on the Report. The Report will be prepared in accordance with Australian Standard 4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and to any other Australian Standards cited in these Terms and Conditions. This Report is prepared on a visual assessment of the condition of reasonably accessible parts of the property and on the basis of the prevailing structural, soil and weather conditions at the time of the inspection and does not cover enquiries of councils or other authorities. Prolonged periods of wet or dry weather may cause structural changes to the property as described in the Property Maintenance Guide which you can download from the link found in the body of the Report and in the Report cover letter. This Report will not disclose defects in inaccessible areas, defects that are concealed and/or not reasonably visible, defects that may be apparent in other weather conditions or defects that have not yet arisen. The Scope and Terms and Conditions take precedence over any oral or written representations.
The Report does not cover:
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Would you like to discuss your new home project with one of our Design Architects? It’s easy! Simply click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the report request button and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. |
If you’re planning on building a new home an Archicentre Australia New Home Feasibility Report is the perfect way to explore the options – teasing out opportunities and bringing to life your functional brief. We will select one of our Design Architects who will meet with you to discuss your needs, lifestyle requirements, options for your home or site and very importantly, your budget. They will then prepare concept sketches presented to you at a second meeting, which bring architectural thinking to your brief. Collaborating with one of our experienced architects can help you explore ideas and find the best option for your new home and give you the confidence to proceed with the project. With your architect you can explore: LIFESTYLE DISCUSSION:
At the end of the process you’ll receive a written report, including sketches, summarising the options and a broad indication of project budget and providing recommendations for next steps. If you’re ready to continue with your new home, you can then discuss further work, stages and fees with your architect directly. OUR DESIGN ARCHITECTS:
Qualified and independent design advice.Because Archicentre Australia does not build homes or undertake renovations, you can rest assured that our advice and recommendations will be completely independent and objective to provide you with the information required to help you decide on your best course of action. |
Scope of ServicesFEASIBILITY STUDYAn Archicentre Australia New Home Design Report (‘Report’) is a feasibility study which will explore your property’s potential and provide information to help you to decide whether to proceed with your project and whether to engage your Archicentre Australia Design Architect (your Architect) for ongoing services. The presented New Home Design Sketch(es) (‘Design’) is a response to your project requirements and objectives, and considers your existing site, your budget, sustainability and possible regulatory issues. This Report is not intended to provide the final design solution for your new home but rather present you with a visual representation of an initial feasibility study. This is intended to help you to re- assess, confirm or clarify your needs. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR REPORTThis Report is based on a meeting with you to discuss your requirements and objectives. This Report includes the following:
WHAT IS NOT RECORDED IN YOUR REPORTThe following are specifically not included in this Report:
NOTES:Further detailed work outside the scope of this Report will be necessary to develop the Design. The Design will evolve as your needs are explored, assessed and fine-tuned to the point where it will be ready to begin construction documentation. This further detailed work may also include structural engineering, development/planning consent and/or building construction approval, assessment of ground conditions, energy, asbestos (and other latent factors), as well as other investigations and/or considerations. Once this further work is completed, the sets of documents/ drawings required for permits/approvals application and for the builder to commence construction works can be completed. This further work and construction documentation is not covered in the Report, but can be provided independently by your Architect. This further work is explained in more detail later in this Report. Terms & ConditionsThis Report, which includes any appendices and referenced documents, has been prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – and the named architect and is supplied to you (the named client) on the basis of and subject to these Terms and Conditions and the Scope of this Service as described above. Archicentre Australia accepts no responsibility to other persons. The visual assessment undertaken for this Report will only include areas of the property that are safe and reasonably accessible. These will be determined by the architect at the time of the visual assessment. Workplace Health and Safety access conditions apply subject to relevant State and Territory regulations. The Report is a preliminary feasibility study and must not be relied upon to proceed with the proposed construction. Significant further work will be required before proceeding including, for example, structural. engineering, development/ planning consent and/or building construction approval, ground conditions assessment, energy, asbestos (and other latent factor) investigations and/or considerations. Please note that having provided you with an opportunity to read the Scope and Terms and Conditions following upon you making a booking for the Report the Architect has proceeded to prepare the Report for you and Archicentre Australia has proceeded to supply this Report on the basis that you have accepted the Scope of the Report and these Terms and Conditions and/or are deemed to have done so upon the architect arriving at the property and/or meeting with you. The Report should be read in conjunction with any other Archicentre Australia Reports issued concurrently for the Property. These Terms and Conditions:
The Report has been prepared by the registered architect (named within), with reasonable care, subject to the following:
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Would you like to discuss your renovation project with one of our Design Architects? It’s easy! Simply click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the report request button and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. |
If you’re planning a renovation – perhaps extending your home, altering the existing building footprint or considering a second storey addition, an Archicentre Australia Renovation Feasibility is the perfect way to explore the options for your renovation. One of our Design Architects will meet with you at your home to discuss your needs, lifestyle requirements or changes, options for your home or site and very importantly, your budget. They will then prepare concept sketches and present them to you at a second meeting, which will bring architectural thinking and processes to the table. Collaborating with one of our experienced architects can help you explore ideas, find the best option for your renovation and give you the confidence to proceed with the project. With your architect you can explore: LIFESTYLE DISCUSSION:
At the end of the process you’ll receive a written report, including sketches, summarising the options and a broad indication of project budget and providing recommendations for next steps. If you’re ready to continue with your new home, you can then discuss further work, stages and fees with your architect directly. OUR DESIGN ARCHITECTS:
Qualified and independent design advice.Because Archicentre Australia does not build homes or undertake renovations, you can rest assured that our advice and recommendations will be completely independent and objective to provide you with the information required to help you decide on your best course of action. |
Scope of ServicesFEASIBILITY STUDYAn Archicentre Australia Renovation Design Report (‘Report’) is a feasibility study which will explore your property’s potential and provide information to help you to decide whether to proceed with your project and whether to engage your Archicentre Australia Authorised Design Architect (your Architect) for ongoing services. The presented Renovation Design sketches (‘Design’) is a response to your project requirements and objectives, and considers your existing home and site, your budget, sustainability and possible regulatory issues. This Report is not intended to provide the final design solution for your renovation, but to present you with a visual representation of an initial feasibility study. This is intended to help you to re-assess, confirm or clarify your needs. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR REPORTThis Report is based on a visit to your home and a meeting with you to discuss your project requirements and objectives. This Report includes the following:
WHAT IS NOT RECORDED IN YOUR REPORTThe following are specifically not included in this Report:
NOTES:Further detailed work outside the scope of this Report will be necessary to develop the Design. The Design will evolve as your needs are explored, assessed and fine-tuned to the point where it will be ready to begin construction documentation. This further detailed work may also include structural engineering, development/planning consent and/or building construction approval, assessment of ground conditions, energy, asbestos (and other latent factors), as well as other investigations and/or considerations. Once this further work is completed, the sets of documents/ drawings required for permits/approvals application and for the builder to commence construction works can be completed. This further work and construction documentation is not covered in the Report, but can be provided independently by your Architect. This further work is explained in more detail later in this Report. Terms & ConditionsThis Report, which includes any appendices and referenced documents, has been prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – and the named architect and is supplied to you (the named client) on the basis of and subject to these Terms and Conditions and the Scope of this Service as described above. Archicentre Australia accepts no responsibility to other persons. The visual assessment undertaken for this Report will only include areas of the property that are safe and reasonably accessible. These will be determined by the architect at the time of the visual assessment. Workplace Health and Safety access conditions apply subject to relevant State and Territory regulations. The Report is a preliminary feasibility study and must not be relied upon to proceed with the proposed construction. Significant further work will be required before proceeding including, for example, structural. engineering, development/ planning consent and/or building construction approval, ground conditions assessment, energy, asbestos (and other latent factor) investigations and/or considerations. Please note that having provided you with an opportunity to read the Scope and Terms and Conditions following upon you making a booking for the Report the Architect has proceeded to prepare the Report for you and Archicentre Australia has proceeded to supply this Report on the basis that you have accepted the Scope of the Report and these Terms and Conditions and/or are deemed to have done so upon the architect arriving at the property and/or meeting with you. The Report should be read in conjunction with any other Archicentre Australia Reports issued concurrently for the Property. These Terms and Conditions:
The Report has been prepared by the registered architect (named within), with reasonable care, subject to the following:
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To enquire about a Home Warranty Inspection for Home Warranty Insurance or to get an obligation-free quote click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the report request button and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. |
Are you an owner builder planning to sell your recently built or renovated home? You may need Home Warranty Insurance before you sell. In some states, a builder is required to provide Home Warranty Insurance to the property owner prior to entering into a building contract, to protect the owner against incomplete or defective work. The same obligations may apply to an owner builder – regulations vary by state, so check with your state building authority. To obtain Home Warranty Insurance you may first need to have an Inspection and report on the new works. Speed up the sales process with our Home Warranty Inspection. Our architect will assess the new works, providing a detailed report on workmanship, defects and any incomplete works to assist you in meeting your statutory obligations. Who are our ASSESSING Architects?
Scope of ServicesYour Home Warranty Insurer requires you to obtain this report and in Victoria, it is mandatory under the Building Act 1993 (Vic) that owner-builders obtain this report. For any information in relation to the policy you should contact your insurer. Unless otherwise stated, this report only addresses the workmanship of the owner-builder as described in the Extent of Work done by Owner-Builder section of the Archicentre Australia Report. Archicentre Australia relies on the owner-builder’s description of the building works they have undertaken and undertakes no inquiries of its own. Any building works not undertaken by the owner-builder are excluded from this report. Please note that where the owner-builder has renovated or extended the home, the insurance may only relate to those works and the balance of the home may not be covered by the insurance at all. This report may not necessarily refer to routine maintenance items which do not concern defective work (e.g. hair-line plaster cracks, jamming doors and windows or damage resulting from wear and tear or accident or deliberate misuse). Unless otherwise stated:
This Report may be incomplete unless the required local government building approval and inspection summary details are attached by the owner-builder. Unless stated otherwise, this Report will note incomplete and /or defective work in reference to the Guide to Standards and Tolerances produced by the Victorian Building Authority (formerly the Building Commission). DefinitionsAccessThe architect can only assess reasonably accessible parts of the property. It is your responsibility to ensure that any inaccessible parts of the property that can be made reasonably accessible for an inspection are made so, prior to the inspection. Inaccessible areas cannot be assessed. Reasonably and Safely Accessible – Accessible areas which can be accessed by a 3.6 metre ladder or those which have at least 600mm unimpeded vertical and horizontal clearance without the removal of any fixed or unfixed furniture, fittings, stored items, cladding or lining materials, plants or soil. Archicentre Australia assessors are unable to access areas where there is a risk of adverse disturbance or damage to the property, including the garden area. Workplace Health and Safety access conditions apply subject to relevant State and Territory regulations. Archicentre Australia assessors are unable to assess areas higher than 3 metres above ground level unless secure ladder access is available and fall prevention devices or barriers are present. Reasonable Access may not be possible due to physical obstructions or conditions that may be hazardous or unsafe to the inspector. The assessor will determine the extent of accessible areas at the time of the inspection. Access restrictions will be noted where appropriate. Normal Viewing Position Generally variations in surface colour, texture and finish of walls, ceilings, floors, roofs, glazing and other finished surfaces shall be viewed from a normal viewing position. For the purposes of this inspection Archicentre Australia inspectors regard this position to be standing eye height at a distance of approximately 1.5m or greater from the wall, floor, ceiling or other surface, and at approximately 600mm for fittings and fixtures, with the surface or material illuminated by non-critical (or diffuse) light. Terms & ConditionsThis Report is prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – for the person to whom it is addressed (the Customer) and Archicentre Australia accepts no responsibility to other persons. The Report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Standard 4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and to any other Australian Standards and definitions cited in the Terms and Conditions. The Report is not a certificate of compliance for the property within the requirements of any Act, regulation, ordinance or local by-law. The Customer agrees to indemnify Archicentre Australia and its officers, employees and agents against any liability to the purchaser (and their successors in title) and the Home Warranty Insurer, arising directly or indirectly from, and any costs and expenses (including legal expenses on a full indemnity basis) incurred in connection with, the preparation of this Report. The Report has been prepared with reasonable care, subject however as follows;
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To enquire about a Commercial & Government Property Assessment Report or to get an obligation-free quote click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13.. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the report request button and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. |
With Archicentre Australia, you can buy a commercial or institutional property with confidence knowing that we offer over 30 years’ experience and a comprehensive checklist that is tailored to the building being assessed – at least a 200-point checklist. Our pre-purchase or post-purchase property assessments and pest inspections help take the uncertainty out of property procurement and/or maintenance. These reports can be valuable precursors to property design feasibility services – establishing where funding is required to address existing building shortcomings as a part of an overall property design strategy. Purchasing a commercial property is a large financial commitment. An Archicentre Australia property assessment will highlight any significant faults so you can avoid vacancy costs or unplanned repairs and negotiate better terms for the property purchase. Archicentre Australia’s experience shows the number one property fault is roofing, followed by timber rot, leakage and dampness, cracking and termites. The chances of one or all of these affecting a building in your portfolio are high. If neglected, these problems could cost thousands to rectify or worse, cause injury to people, damage to property and your reputation. With an Archicentre Australia Commercial & Government Property Assessment Report, an experienced architect will assess the property. You will know immediately about the condition of the property and particularly if there are any serious building faults. |
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To enquire about a Commercial Dilapidation Survey or to get an obligation-free quote click on the Report Enquiry button or contact Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13. Alternatively if you want to order a report online click on the report request button and complete the booking form. Archicentre Australia will contact you to confirm a price. To view the Scope and Terms and Conditions for this service click here. |
Where projects are likely to impact on neighbouring properties – say work on boundaries, roadworks, infrastructure projects or demolitions – it pays to follow protocols that give clarity to “before and after” circumstances. Cracked brickwork or paving, broken fences, water ingress or damage to landscaping can all result in costly repairs, but how can you prove that the neighbouring building work has done the damage? Protect your business from damage repair costs with a Dilapidation Survey. Construction works can result in damage claims from neighbouring property owners, particularly because of the litigious nature of today’s society. Protect yourself and your reputation from false or unjustified claims. Experienced Archicentre Australia architects will assess buildings, surrounding areas and provide comprehensive reports that include photographic records. These reports record the condition of the property at the time of the assessment and are used by many high profile civil and commercial construction companies in order to protect their interests. Archicentre Australia Dilapidation Reports: